Friday, February 29, 2008

Art Day at the Cluckin' "A"


Art Day at the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm

Every Thursday is "art day on the Cluckin A" and We look forward to the art instructor's arrival. We always have lunch together and chat awhile, then go to the art room and start working where we left off last week. Below are several prints we have recently completed. Dan, the instructor, is a very quiet man with a lot to say! We are learning just how he says what he wants the world to know and we think he says it quite well.



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Frederic Church's Olana

Frederic Church's Olana, High on the Hill

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Mountain Vista Creek in the Catskills

Mountain Vista Creek in the Catskills

How beautiful the sight, a virtual storybook of delightful viewing to behold,
feast your eyes upon the vistas of supurb majesty in nature's everyday beauty,
and the cost is minute, for all one must do is take the time to look it over carefully,
and the true masterpiece to behold will come forth and supply you with warm delight.

What A Cluckin' "A" Sunrise over The Pupskill Lake

What A Cluckin' "A" Sunrise over The Pupskill Lake


Another Beautiful Picture Of God's Heaven on Earth

Another Beautiful Picture Of God's Heaven on Earth


We hold life, family and friends dearly and consider them treasures.

Vicki and I thank God for every day we awake, realizing how short our lives are and how he has blessed us by providing the chance for us to find one another, have the beautiful little farm, the dogs and other animals and the desire to help everyone we can and make as many new friends as possible. We hold life, family and friends dearly and consider them treasures.

Deer Raid Squirrel Feeder

Deer Raid Squirrel Feeder With No Regard For The Squirrels Feelings.

As you may have guessed, it is cold as can be here and food is a premium for all the little animals in this kind of weather. It is therefore a real shame when there is a burglary... no, a down right theft of goodies, intended for the little bushytailed rodents of the trees and these brazen culprits just came boldly into the squirrel feeder in the early evening just before dark. They were caught on the security cameras installed by the bushy tailed tree rats themselves just for this purpose.



Pretty, but cold

Earlier today out the back door toward the rear field. Pretty, but cold


8 inches of the 1 inch we were supposed to get

Here you see about 8 inches of the 1 inch we were supposed to get til this morning.

This is really pretty, but come I said before we're tired of this same old crap! WE WANT SPRING with spring flowers and warm breezes!

We think it is time to get down to business and build the farm bigger and better, but we can't do it until this winter crap goes home to the north pole or where ever it resides in the summer time. We have the barn designed and we are ready to build it. We have some changes we want to make to the shooting range target area, build a shooting bench, groom the pond banks, possibly groom the duck pond banks and get the front fish pond / fountain up and running. The guys that installed it last year didn't install a coupling to remove the pump for the winter, so I had to cut the line with a hack saw to remove the pump so it wouldn't freeze. Now I have to buy a rubber coupling when I re-install it this spring.
WOW!! I just remembered.........March in another day......... then mid April means the first day of trout season!! That’s guaranteed to be an evening of fresh fried trout and home cut french fries. Yum, Yum. (Then 100 miles on the tread mill and elliptical runner)
I love summer. A time when I get up at 6:00 am and do the computer work, drink coffee on the rear deck, overlooking the Pupskill Lake as fish jump, herons grab them and Bucky (beaver) swims around. I sit there drinking coffee and Vicki and I ultimately end up having breakfast out there. (before the pesky flies start buzzing around) After a calm breakfast like that, I'm ready to start to work or do whatever is on the schedule that retired folks never have. Anyway, THINK SPRING!

new member to the Cluckin' "A" Dog gang

We will be adding a new member to the Cluckin' "A" Dog gang sometime in the near future. Vicki has made arrangements to buy a yellow Lab puppy from a very well known breeder of Labs from Vermont a few weeks ago. The puppy has to be born yet and then we'll have another eight weeks to wait before we can pick the puppy up. We made the trip up to the kennel and saw the puppies presently there. As I remember, they were pretty much all promised with the exception of two little chocolates, but Vicki has always wanted a yellow. Even though she would have loved any one of them the same, we decided to wait for her lifes dream. (we have been fulfilling them you as we go you know) As soon as they are born and we choose ours, we will post a picture of the little addition.

Basic Creek in the snow & House on East Red Mill Road

Here are a few pretty pictures just to look at.

Basic Creek in the snow

House on East Red Mill Road

The snow finally stops!

The snow finally stops!

We were only supposed to get one inch! I'm glad they can predict the weather correctly. Below is a picture of me clearing the one inch off of the car before we went to dinner at 5:15 this evening and another taken when we came home at 5:40.


Only an inch and still dropping!

Yeah, right. Only an inch and still dropping!

Catskill Creek

A beautiful stretch of the Catskill Creek from the bridge on route 32 near Cairo, NY.


Tannersville, Ny

Posted February 26, 2008
04:52 PM

Everytime We go through this section of Tannersville, Ny, Vicki and I say about how much it makes us think we are driving into the Northern Exposure set. I expect to see Holling or Maurice......maybe even Maggie (Janine Turner) walking around there on the sidewalks.

Went to Hilltown Agway

Went to Hilltown Agway with Vick this afternoon and picked up all the feed we needed. Did you ever just have one of those days? When we pulled off of our road unto the main route 32, I saw just the fender of a car rounding the curve, way down the road, coming our way. (a good length and a half of a football field or about 500 yards). Anyway, we were completely on the road, traveling 55 mph and had gone a good 1/4 of a mile if not better, before this guy caught up to me........and he was speeding pretty fast to catch me. He ran right up onto my bumper until there was a slight spot where he could rocket around us, but in doing so, made sure I saw the FINGER he flipped me as he passed and then for some 50 yards more while looking into his mirror. WELL!......without thinking of my lovely wife sitting next to me for a brief moment, I returned the favor, then caught myself and thought of how childish this must have looked as I remembered Vicki setting beside me. All she said was "what was that for"? I said I didn't know. Nothing more was said as we followed him another mile to the center of town, where at the red light, Vicki screamed some obscenity and followed up with "can you read my lips"? He did nothing. Sat there just as quiet as a church mouse staring down a cats throat. When the light turned green, we continued on quite calmly for another 1/4 mile, at which time he turned abruptly to the left and upon seeing that I was continuing on by, he proceeded to flip us off again. This enraged Vicki and immediately sent me back in time to a time when I had the same thing happen to me and I followed the guy, got out with a ball bat when he stopped and gently smashed the windshield and back window out of his car and asked if he would like to get out and shake that little finger again.............
One other time I just followed a guy with 3 friends in a jeep to a convenience store where I caught the guy as he exited the jeep toward me and clocked him and kicked him under the edge of the jeep before inviting the other three to join their friend. Thank God for memories...... I just kept going to the Agway. When we left Agway, we went to the mountain for a Dr.'s appt. for Vicki and then to Lowes in Catskill and had dinner at Pie Sanos Restaurant. We returned home and did our exercises and played several games of pool, then retired for the evening.

Snow, Snow, Snow

Blogged all morning long and got this site published and on-line. Now we can update daily and give folks something to look at and look forward to. Snow, Snow, Snow.....that seems to be all we get anymore. As fast as it melts, it's back again. The duckies are pissed! They want to get into the pond and it's been frozen and snow covered for better than a month now. The chickens could care less. They spend their day outside in the plastic enclousure, happy and content to peck and scratch, crow and flog. The Cluckin' "A" dogs just go out, do their business, play and come in all covered with snow and just shake it off and find a warm cozy place to curl up and sleep. We humans are the ones to about go stir crazy with cabin fever.

Snow is about 3" deep so far!

Snow is about 3" deep so far! Not supposed to get more than 1 inch today, tonight and tomorrow morning. Figure that out! Got a few nice pictures Vicki snapped on our way to the Doctors appointment yesterday. I'll load them very shortly.

Ol' Barn on Route 17, Lexington, NY

Ol' Barn on Route 17, Lexington, NY

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this old barn

Vicki and I Stopped to click some pictures of this old barn on route 17 near Lexington. I have always wondered how many people and animals have been inside this structure since it was built in the early 1800's? I wonder how many bales of hay must have occupied the structure over the many years it was used on this farm. There could have been many barn dances held in there and a bunch of farm animals may have been born in there or maybe there may have been some evening spoonin' by a couple of young lovers for that matter, who knows. The barn sets right off of route 17, with a fabulous view of Hunter Mountain in the near distance. What a cool barn! We can only hope to know the real history of this magnificent old barn, but we love seeing it every time we pass it.

Got up at 6 Am

Got up at 6 Am this morning to work on the blog and leave the dogs out. The dogs were out 3 minutes and then beat a hasty retreat to "mommies" side in the warm bed while I was left to sit here in the twlight of morning by myself. Six o'clock in the morning is a nice time to reflect on things, read or do computer work because the rest of the world could care less and won't hardly, if ever, interfere with you for any reason. I usually get the coffee going, read the AOL news, check emails, both privately and for the Cluckin' "A" and then settle down to do a little blogging for the day..........and so it goes.
Don't know what is in store for today, except for going to the Hilltown Agway for critter food. We'll see......later, so will you!

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

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Death comes in many different forms

Death comes in many different forms

Occasionally you see a scenery

Occasionally you see a scenery that makes you think about life in a different way. This is one of those scenes that brought to mind the death of living and inanimate things around us. Remember the old saying, "To everything there is a season"? In the picture above, there is a dead or partially dying apple tree, a semi grim reminder of the once strong, viril, fruit producing adult it once was. Now it is frail and leaning, portions cut away due to rotting or decay by infection by parasites and so on.
Also keeping it company is an old broken down stone wall from long ago, an old iron wheel from a piece of farm equipment.....abandoned years ago, all bent and rusted and finally a bunch of dead plants from last summer, a reminder of the past year, the winter of life and the hope for spring in tomorrow.
Any way you look at it, this is a beautiful picture of a obviously gorgious place during the summer when all is green and the flowers are blooming.
I can't wait for Vicki and I to ride past this location this summer and see it in it's glory. We'll take another photo then, so you can also see it.

Andrew will have his chance to collect eggs this morning

Posted February 22, 2008
11:19 PM
Vicki's family arrived last night early in the evening and missed the snow. In fact, the snow started this morning about 5:30 and has be slowly increasing in depth and intensity ever since. Andrew will have his chance to collect eggs this morning and bring them to the house and be eating them within ten minutes. Now you can't get much fresher than that. I'm feeling better this morning and can move easier. I'm ready for the day and am looking forward to whatever we do.

Windham Mountain Ski Resort

Returned home from Vicki's brother's house where we had dinner after Andrew spent a few hours at the Windham Mountain Ski Resort, where he spent several hours on the slopes on a snow board. Vicki and I, Loraine and Bill, Andrew's mom and dad, all kind of just chilled around the gas log outside or in the lodge sipping coffee and hot chocolate while watching everyone ski and snow board. It was a fun day. Had to drive in 5 inches of snow coming out of Richie's house as we left the mountain road near Lexington, but the main roads were plowed. Everyone enjoyed the entire day.
Andrew on the slopes, decending Windham Mountain Sumit at warp speed.........just a blur!
Andrew warping across the glistening snow at a mach 5 speed!
THE MOUNTAIN at Windham, New York
The Puzzler.............Loraine, Andy's Mom

Mid Hudson Buffet

Everyone got up this morning and had a hearty egg breakfast. After that, Andrew shot the 22 rifle at the target in the backyard. He did pretty well as he improved with each shot. Then it was pretty much time to go shopping in Kingston and get ready to meet Vicki's brother and parents at the Mid Hudson Buffet. Everyone had their fill of very good Chinese food and then we made the trek to Barnes and Noble. Returned home, and it wasn't long until everyone retired.

Coxsackie Antique Mall

Everyone got up this morning and had breakfast before loading up all their gear in anticipation of returning home to Long Island after we go to Coxsackie Antique Mall. We go there because it is so close to the thruway exchange and Bill and Loraine can leave from there.

Bill, Loraine and Andrew made it onto the thruway

Bill, Loraine and Andrew made it onto the thruway and are probably home by now. I think they all had a nice visit.......I know Vicki and I enjoyed their company the last couple of days. After they were underway on the road, Vicki and I gathered up some tools and went to make a few corrections to our last job and took some pictures of the pretty landscape in Lexington. We just got back. Had a nice day.

We have come a long way!!!

We decided in the weeks that followed what we really wanted to do in the way of creating our farm and what kind of animals we wanted to have. We Promised each other to try to make the farm the way we both wanted it, omiting nothing within reason and adding anything not to far-fetched. We have come a long way!!!

chickens wait for no one

Out of the area today doing a little job for Vicki's brother. When we finished for today, went to her brothers house for dinner and some visiting, then home to put the duckies to bed. (chickens wait for no one.....when dusk arrives, they go to bed!)

parents and brother in Kingston to celebrate their anniversary.

Have to go out again today to complete yesterdays job. Fed and watered the duckies and chickens, gathered eggs and made sure they were all ok before leaving. It is cold enough that none of them argued with us about leaving, they just stayed in their warm nests and sort of chuckled as duck and chickens can as we went out into the cold morning temperatures. We'll finish up, come home and clean up, then meet Vicki's parents and brother in Kingston to celebrate their anniversary.

I think I was run over with a truck

Doing limited movement today.....feel as though a truck ran over me. Little did I know, just how out of shape I really was! Yesterdays small amount of "easy" work is about to kill me today. I ache all over and my hands and cracked fingers are as sore as they have ever been.......thus, the complaints of a 57 year old. I did promise to help Vick clean up a little in preparation for the arrival of her step son, wife and grandson. They will visit for a few days during another of our miserable snowstorms of 5 to 9 inches. I hope it doesn't limit the fun we had planned for Andrew to go snow boarding and tubing at Windham Mountain ski resort, or Friday nights dinner at Vicki's brothers house on the mountain. They are supposed to arrive early this evening. Looking forward to them arriving as we always have such a fun time. (even if I can hardly move) Hope they get here before the snow starts. It's a long drive from Long Island, New York.

First entry of this Blog

Since this is the first post of this new blog, we should start at the beginning again for the benefit of all the first visitors to the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm Journal web site. My wife Vicki and I had a life long dream to live on a small farm in the Vermont mountains where we would enjoy raising and tending select farm animals. We also wanted to be able to do any and all artwork that interested either of us and spend time with friends and family. Well, some of our dreams came true. We are in upstate New York, on a small 9 acre farm,
have some critters and are improving and expanding our little farm.
We currently have 10 ducks, 15 chickens and 4 dogs which can be viewed at the links on the left side just by clicking on their respective pictures.
Vicki was originally from Brooklyn, New York and in time, married and moved to New Jersey, where she was a VNA nurse for many years. I was from central Pennsylvania, recently retired as a manager from a large company with three locations, and operated the Blu Juniata Ridgevu Kennel. I was a Sheltie breeder for many years and was forced to give it up along with most other things in a bitter divorce in December of 2005. Vicki was at that time caring for her husband of many years, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I had been in regular email contact with Vicki and Carl ever since they had bought the puppy, both to keep up with the puppy's development and as a support to Vicki as she cared for Carl as he worsened. Carl ultimately lost his battle to the cancer in May of 2006, and I continued to try to support Vicki and lift her spirits by talking about Snavely Mill (the puppy's name) during the coming months. The holidays were brutal for both of us. Loneliness is lousy company, so thank God for the computer which allowed us to save each other. After a while, we started to become very close and could talk for hours, both on the computer and by phone. We started to date a little and found we were very comfortable together and I decided to stay at the farm for awhile with my two Shelties to help her with some remodeling she wanted to do and see if we could all stay in the same house without any major problems. Vicki and I had no trouble what so ever. We talked and laughed (something we both seldom did for years) and enjoyed each others company immensely. The dogs didn't do too bad, except when we fed them. Bear, who is a lab mix, didn't care for Dutchess coming close to her food bowl (even thoughshe was not eating or near it) and she came flying across the room and jumped on Dutchess. That was exciting, but short lived and a complete show of muscle only. There was no biting or hair flying, just vicious threats. It was however a time of understanding between Bear and Dutchess, for from that time forward, they were the best of friends. Princess gets along with everyone and Snavely is the clown in charge of entertainment. It worked well and in a few months, I moved from Central Pa to New york and helped Vicki move all the remaining things from her New jersey house to the farm and just became a New Yorker with Vicki. We now had a new family consisting of her and I, and the four dogs. We enjoyed life, made some changes in the property, the house, the outbuildings and then started developing plans for the future. We brought our dreams to fruition......A FARM. The rest is history.... history you can read from then to the present right here.

10:31 Am