Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ok… here we go… deck time!! We’re building it today!

Good Morning Doreen!

We have little to write about this morning, except that we have started Stanley Maltzman’s watercolor class last night, which was one of Sweet Vicki’s dreams. (and mine, taking art classes) This is the third watercolor class we’ve taken with him and still do Danny every Thursday also. We have also taken several drawing classes with Stanley Maltzman and enjoy the time we spend with both Danny and Stanley. We have learned a lot from both and really admire their talents.


This pastel is entitled "Big Blue and Friends". It's the original and this picture doesn't do it justice!


This is a magnificent original charcoal that I like to call "Majestic Beauty". It's beauty isn't justified here either!


One of my favorites is this one called "Winter Cats". These give you an idea of Stanley's abilities. Google him and you can see more of his work, displayed much better too. Just use "Stanley Maltzman Art" in any search browser.

As soon as Sweet Vicki and I get a bite of breakfast, we are going to dive into the deck and by tonight when we go to the art class… we will have a “close to finished deck”. We are starting at the old deck and joining on at the points we shot with the transit level yesterday. Can’t wait to finish it so we have the railing around again and the dogs can go out there with us again when we sit or barbeque stuff.

Keep watchin’ Doreen … when ya comin’ up to visit?

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