Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday, April 10th…8:06 PM…an end to a good Day!!

We got the Barn plotted and staked out and GNH delivered the lumber for the rear deck and the barn posts and fence posts.


Here I am shooting a line for a barn post with the transit level.


This view is looking toward the Pupskill Bay Lake.


This was taken right before GNH Lumber delivered our lumber and unloaded it right where the yellow box is laying near the stone pile.

We didn’t hear anything from Agway about the peeps and ducks, but Danny said most times, the shipment arrives late in the afternoon and until they get it unloaded, checked and everything sorted and orders separated and checked….it is past quitting time. We figure that they will call in the AM…or at least we will.

We will start moving the lumber for the deck to the rear deck area tomorrow morning and may even start on the deck a little if it isn’t raining. If it is, we may go to Catskill Lowe’s and get the three concrete post piers and the three posts that GNH doesn’t carry. (funny they carried everything but the posts and concrete piers?????)

We had an additional new duck in the Pupskill Bay Lake this evening! We noticed something different about one of the males.. and then we saw it! It was a wild mallard Drake that had flown into our group of ducks and was swimming around until Rover and Grover sent him out of the water and unto the bank. (that is funny, because they are 6 months younger than the rest of the ducks and the older ones wouldn’t leave them into the group until they were full grown. Now they are chasing this one away.) How surprising!!! We figured they hated being chased all the time, so they wouldn’t ever chase another duck away, but they do.


The ducks are calling it a day. It's in their contract that they can group together, end their day and go to the duck house just before dark. (Union Rules ya know)

The dogs should all sleep good tonight. They were all out running and barking all day long. Boy, do they bark at the chickens since we leave them free range all day now. (this could involve Union Rules too)

Well, we need to find something to eat and rest for tomorrow. See ya.


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