Here it is the biggest holiday of the summer, with grills a smokin’, fireworks a poppin’, and folks gathering to have a good time.
Every year it starts out as a great day for everyone, then somebody has too much drink and drives, or holds a firecracker too long, or does what they shouldn’t in a lot of different ways and a lot of caring, loving people end up in an emergency room by the end of the day.
Please… careful with everything you do! Don’t drive if you’ve been drinking and celebrating…. let someone who didn’t drink do the driving or call a cab. Keep this special day a holiday for one and all! Remember to thank every Military Service Person you know or pass……It is because of them and past service personnel that we can celebrate today! Say a special prayer for all those who died protecting our freedom!
Vick and I are going to spend a quiet… low key … and casual day together, recuperating from our sickness and pains this fourth of July. We may fire up the grill for a burger or two, clean the pool or make rabbit hutches if we’re both up to it, but that’s probably about it, since we can stop and sit down if we feel ill or tired. She is still a little slow on her feet with the Sciatica and I have a stomach thing going on. (due to sinus drip from allergies) Anyway…. we do what we can…..But you all enjoy the day and we’re hoping the weather holds for your planned celebrations.
Last night, we let Rooster Cogburn out to exercise a little and he and MR were into it in a heartbeat, so we locked MR and Stewie into the henhouse yard pen and left Cogburn stay out to exercise. Later we found Cogburn and Stewie sparing through the fence. Anybody want a Rooster? Looks like they will never again co-inhabit again! See the pictures below.
Vicki got some excellent pictures of a lot of the animals in their natural state this afternoon. You will see some beautiful chickens and other funny things.
Cogburn dusting himself
He's really into it!
"Six little duckies all in a row....." what a nice song......
"into the water, they all will go........"
C.I.A. chickens.....always undercover.....makes sense Vick would have them........ (a little inside joke)
Through all this he's still dusting?........
Turkeys are always into everything. They miss nothing!!!! EVER!
She stands about 5 or 6" tall.....A Roadrunner?
Spot's clutch of eggs has grown to 13....I wonder when she will sit on them?
A beautiful bird!! We have many beautiful birds running around here.
How they beat the heat in the afternoon
Look at this fluffball! He doesn't have feathers...just downy fluff.
This lady has feather leggin's
Talk about feather leggins....... Look at hers!
A whole bunch of good lookin' ladies!
Rooster Cogburn where he want to be.....with his ladies!!
These ladies lead to a long running disagreement between Cogburn and Stewie!
Yowl! We gotta break this up before someone gets hurt again!
Skip trying to calm the "green monster" in Cogburn
To no avail as Cogburn screams "I want a piece of that red headed ?$#^@*#!!"
After explaining long term incarceration for fighting & chickenslaughter, Cogburn finally calmed down.......He calmly said, "Just keep red away from me or they'll be big trouble..... And MR.........I owe him.... big time!"
Whew..... what a time we sometimes have here on the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm!
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