Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thurs. Eve, July 17th … Wow, What a day! and I’m tired & sore too.

This morning started at 5:00 AM and by now, I’m about out of gas. This morning, I finished the perlins on this side, put all the steel roofing on except for the last piece that needs cut to length and ripped full length with the nibbler. Then I can put that piece on…screw it down and add the rubber seal strips at the top and install the flashing. After that, the plywood can be cut and installed. That will completely finish this side roof and I can then go to the road side and start there.

I quit because of the driving heat and we decided to run some errands and grab a bite to eat at Norton Hill. Later in the afternoon, Vicki and I went to the barn again and worked in the shade out there making a rabbit hutch. We will need to finish the wire part tomorrow.

We next went to do some board & batten in the front to see how it will look, so we did the one section of the feed room area. It is gonna look great.

We also decided that the plywood upstairs will look ok with batten strips installed to make it look like the bottom. I think I might start at 5:00 AM tomorrow too. It’s the coolest time of the day and I still sweat myself soaked in about 10 to 15 minutes.

Vicki watered the flowers around the garden pond out front. We bought the pond at a garden show in Troy a  year ago from "Howard Lanscaping" in Albany. What a lousy business to buy from. His guys screwed up and didn't put a disconnect in and I had to hacksaw the line last fall. He was to come and fix it right, but never showed. I had to find a coupling to hook it together, but it keeps popping off. I put it pops off. I put it pops off. I'd like to kick Mark Howards ass. I don't like him much!

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