Friday, August 1, 2008

Fri. Aug 1st… Big news today… MR & Stewie leave the Farm!!!!!

Today we got rid of the lifer’s! If you’ve read our blog faithfully, you’d know that on Thurs. July 17th, MR & “Stupid” Stewie, were sentenced to life imprisonment for the brutal attack on our niece, Katie, which was a bloody, senseless, attack without provocation. Since that sentence was handed down, they were incarcerated in the outside chicken run which is wire enclosed. They spent 24 hours a day in isolation, with absolutely not contact with the outside world, both chicken or human. Today they were removed from the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm forever……..never to return. They were transferred to another facility which is a minimum security facility in the Norton Hill area. You will see me getting them ready for their transfer.

We wish the new owners well. They wanted them for their hens so they could increase the size of their flock. Their previous rooster was taken from their property by some kind of underhanded predator.

Now Rooster Cogburn is the true Cock of the Walk here on the Cluckin’ “A”. (there are a few Bantam roosters, a pair of miniature barred Plymouth Rocks and a brown leghorn, but none challenge Cogburn!) The little guinea hens are flying all over the place. They fly to the very top rafters in the brooding house and sit on the hooks mounted to the trusses for the drop netting.

I got a picture of Dr. Paster retrieving his mail as we were leaving his office today and we also got a picture of Barbie & Boobie’s new set in the garden.

Obviously someone is coming to visit for a shrimp fry because the sign shows them cooking shrimp in a pot and the sign says “Welcome Home”. Hope they have a fun time and enjoy themselves.

This afternoon was a real bore for the dogs. If you think not, just look here.

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