Friday, August 1, 2008

More on the August 1st Post! A new website we created

 Wow! The Cluckin’ "A" Critter Farm Nerd Herd has helped to create another site ,where help for some is just a click away. We have helped to create a premier site with cool graphics ( If I do say so myself).  is a great website It is a fantastic place to find things to create “ a happier and healthier you” . Available there now, is a book called “Don’t You Get It!” ,that specifically looks at people over three generations of the same family and others as well , who have lived with Auditory Processing Disorder . It demonstrates the struggles that these people went through and contains great insights for assisting young ones with their auditory difficulties. The chickens, ducks & turkeys all gathered their sheckels and are saving up to buy a copy. “Don’t You Get It?” is a unique, comprehensive book written by people who have had to live with APD and learn how to learn, grow and survive daily with it. The diverse viewpoints presented grant the reader a rich account of the difficulties and possibilities that face those most intimately involved with this disorder. This is a must-read for everyone involved with APD. Written in part by relatives of the Cluckin” A’ has little to do with our endorsement. This book helps those with APD in a way that no other has done before. It is a great book that allows you to see and understand certain disabilities , empathize and understand it a little better even if you do not suffer from it ,  and appreciate the people you meet in your daily life , that suffer from a disability. Do your self a huge favor , take a moment and check it out

 Don't You Get It?  What are you waiting for?

Click here for more:,%20psy

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