Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31st…Cold…34 degrees…Cloudy with a frigid Wind.

Where in God’s name is Spring??? If March comes in like a Lion, as it did, It should be going out as a Lamb… but it is not. We're tired of trying to do the necessary work on the farm with gloves and still end up with frozen fingersnumb toes and stinging ears. We need some relief…some of the sun’s warmth. We want so to see the type of beauty below in the warmth of summer when you can concentrate on all God’s efforts in creating such beauty for us to behold. It’s hard to appreciate things when you are shivering like a flag shuttering in a 60 mile per hour wind. You shake so that your eyeballs rattle and you can’t see straight. It’s so nice to relax in 70-80 degree temperatures when you can gaze upon such beauty for as long as it moves you to linger. "Sweet Vicki" took some nice pictures on the road yesterday which is almost like you're riding along with us to see what we are privileged to behold on a daily basis. Look what lies below...

Geese feeding near a lake on the Schoharie Turnpike near Athens.

Another Beautiful Lake on the same road going toward Catskill.

So beautiful... like pictures from a calendar.

Like a reflective mirror.

Getting closer to home... still watching.. still seeing.

Today, due to the frigid wind, I guess Sweet Vicki and I will work in the Brooding House to finish the chickie shelves. We’ll shoot a few pictures of the inside when it’s ready. This will probably be done after a “thunder run” to Agway to place the “Fowl order”. We’ll see……

Even in God's beauty, there is a little humor. Posted!

We heard a muffled cry from here..."help..I'm gonna fall over"

Finally… perhaps I’ll cover the changes on the barn with Rich on the phone to double check that what I’m thinking is correct and if so, I’ll re-generate the lumber list and head for Cooksburg Lumber tomorrow. (maybe… life here on the farm is full of maybe’s or could be’s and we just take em’ as they come… Maybe!)

When we got home, we finally saw our expected seasonal visitors. They nested here last year and raised 8 Goslings in the eastern field behind where we are building the barn later. We expect they will do the same this year also.

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