Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Today may turn into tonight!

Good Morning, (although you may not get this until afternoon or maybe tonight)

I got up this morning at the usual 6:00 AM and made coffee and then started this blog. It is now 7:33 and I am only typing the info in. It may be a lot longer until this information is actually posted. We are presently experiencing technical difficulties with our ISP. They are running slower than dial-up and loading pictures is impossible. Just to log in takes about 5 minutes. So we will not be uploading until they fix it. Sorry, but please keep checking back often. They are working on it, but that doesn't mean it won't be this way for a few days. The Mid-Hudson Cable Company doesn't have the "sharpest knives in the drawer" employed there. THEY ARE SLOW AND SELDOM FIX THE PROBLEM!! I think sometimes they call outside Tech's in to finally fix the problem.

 Off we go to Catskill again. This time to check on the stained glass chicken in the jewelry store and to see about the massive pile of jewelry there on consignment with her. Vicki and the owner need to set the price on the stained glass. I will pick up the wood for the 8’ x 8’ brooding house so we have it here and can start building as soon as the rain stops and it warms up a little bit. We have the windows and I figured the lumber list all we need to find is the outside entry door, or make one.

I suppose Casey Mae will accompany us everywhere we go for awhile since she is new to the farm, although I think we need to take Snavely too. She is not a happy camper right now, since she had to relinquish her spot as the baby of the group and is actually, unmistakably, pissed at Vicki for being a two timer.

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