Saturday, March 15, 2008

Soon we will be building again. We are going to build a little 8’ x 8’ brooding house to be placed behind the chicken and duck house. This will allow us to collect choice eggs and place them in the nest under one of our hens and after we reach a large enough clutch of eggs, she can start to perk the clutch and hatch them out. What a neat way to increase the size of our chicken flock….. allowing one of our own hens to raise a brood right here where they will live and lay eggs for us during their lifetime.

Remember, this will just be the beginning. After building the brooding house, we will be starting the barn. This will be an interesting venture because it will be 60’ by 30’ with a full hay loft overhead. It will take me some time to build and there will be step by step pictures as we build it, along with all the other things going on around here.

We left early this afternoon for Kingston so we could run numerous errands. Stopped at a bargain outlet and purchased two windows for the brooding house. Now we will hook up the trailer and go for the rest of the wood needed to finish it. Maybe we can do that Monday or Tuesday after we get Casey Mae settled in and at ease with her new surroundings.


Here's the newest piece of glass Vicki has made for sale. It is going on display in Catskill at Unique Jewelry & Gifts, 380 Main Street. It will sell for $350.00.

This little fella drew our attention as we past by his farm home. "No Bull!"

Another of God's greatest masterpieces. We have pictures of this in every season. This is definitely one of my favorite spots on this earth!

Email us Please! Let us know what you think...what you like or don't like.

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