Hi all…… Man did we ever get a bunch done today……. We need another day such as this to become caught up on everything we need to do. Now Vick says we’re gonna loose tomorrow to rain again. Damned hurricanes anyway……… Even though they are a pain in our butt up here, Our hearts go out to all the folks in Texas who are now trapped in, or displaced from their homes due to the flooding thanks to hurricane Ike. No one should have to leave their home and when you return, find it in ruins or missing and my heart breaks for all those who have lost the smallest of their possessions, let alone everything they own or have lost a loved one. Our prayers go out to all involved, be it being rescued or being the rescuer in harms way. Lets hope for a quick end to this with minimal lose of life and property.
Today we started by emptying off the front porch and taking all the stuff which accumulates over the winter and put it all in it’s proper place.
Front porch reclaimed this morning........
Next, we went to the loft area and installed the two easterly doors (toward the Pupskill Lake) and installed the hardware to lock them shut. Next I removed the pile of lumber in the back side of the barn (right under the loft door) and the pile of lumber along the driveway out front, which has been there since we started the barn.
Back loft doors in place & Locked shut. Need to do the weather roof and battens on door.
Front end of Barn completed.
After that, we removed the old “Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm” sign from out along the road, dug two holes and installed the new sign and hung the fresh eggs sign underneath. Looks Really Good……… especially with the weather cap on top of the sign.
Beautiful New Sign. Even has our website & Blog address on it.
The sign looks like it was always there!
After that, we took a break for lunch and then went back to work in the barn. Vick then went to the sand area at the Pupskill bank and I went to the junk pile with more lumber scraps from the barn. I also unloaded the lumber pile at Fort Apache and scrapped a bunch of wood crap that was on that pile too. I was going to drag the 2x8’s (which are probably 18 or 19 feet long) to the barn, but thought better of the idea, that we use these for the porch roof we want to build over the rear door, barbeque grill and picnic table out back. It didn’t make sense to me to cut these in two, wasting a piece every time for a floor frame in the feed room, when they are probably only eight feet long for that anyway. We would then have to buy long 2x8’s for the roof joists on the rear deck again. It makes more sense to check the length of the 12 or so 2x8’s which were scattered throughout the pile……… but still seemed long enough to serve their purpose in the feed room floor. I had just finished out there and was ready to stop for the evening when our neighbor pulled in with Lou Becker from Freehold, and wanted us to accompany them to a good dinner somewhere. Vicki and I, Lou Becker and Tony Dicarlo headed for Eddie Russo’s in Cairo for his famous Linguini in white clam sauce, which Vick and Tony had. Lou and I had the Shrimp Parmigiana, which is another dish to die for. We had a nice meal with good company and then headed for home. Tomorrow………… Rain………… Bummer!
We cleaned up all the wood billets and piled them behind the Wilson House.
The bunnies are much happier on this side of the barn.
These are some of the happiest chickens in New York. Just look how they roost close to the radio and listen. They love the music.
And Just exactly what do they listen to which makes them so happy, mello and contented????????????
And NOW, YOU KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!
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