Well, we didn’t get anything done in the barn today. I went out this morning late…… after blogging and writing a little more in my book and I found a dead chicken laying on the floor under the perch roost. I then remembered the day before, when I opened the door, that the first chicken out had sneezed twice. Now I had never heard a chicken sneeze before, so I didn’t realize there was a problem. Thank God I have Vicki around to rely on, because she is the “If I have one…..I’ll read all about it” lady. She reads “Back Yard Poultry” magazine and anything else she can find on the internet about anything that has to do with our chickens or ducks and turkeys. I forgot to tell her until later in the afternoon when I heard one of the chicken breathing like there was fluid in their lungs. They actually bubbled when they breathed. She decided we needed to immediately go to Agway, where we picked up pine chips and a powdered antibiotic which you add to their water. Now we cannot collect their eggs, because we chose to not only treat the four or five we quarantined into the brooding house, we treated all the birds in the old hen house. That way if it is something catching, all the birds are on it earlier. We will mark their eggs and place them under the sitting hen in the other barn and let her hatch them since she won’t get off of her nest out there. We will keep the chickens on the medicine and collect and mark the eggs for 4 or 5 days, then give it a good two days for them to clear the antibiotic out of their bodies before we will sell their eggs again. We’re hoping to see a marked improvement in the 4 or 5 tomorrow or maybe the next day if they can stay alive until then. If that is the case, we hope the rest we have started on the medicine, get a better starting chance. We spent the day cleaning out the chicken house and spraying it down. Stay tuned for the outcome………
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