Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wed. Evening, Sept. 3rd… Taxes…Exemptions… Flippin’ loops & jumpin’ through hoops… Ultimately le

All you need to lose your mind and end up taking blood pressure medicine, is to try to get farm status so you don’t have to pay sales tax on farm related items you buy for the farm or animals, like feeds and supplies. It also cut's the property tax on any land used as the farm. We went to Town Hall and got information and was told we had to have our soil checked by an independent organization. Upon Vicki calling them, we found that it wasn’t anything like we were told at town hall, so once again, we are stressed and unsure of who’s information to follow. Tomorrow we both go to the office where we need to get our soil tested and we will find out a lot of things backed up by printed facts, so we are just waiting and making copies of the tax exemption papers they guy told us to make. Again…….we are jumping through hoops and turning loops trying to save a little to give a lot when we get the Hospice House up and running…….but it’s really hard to give money away!

We don’t exactly have the Hospice House even started, but if you’ll look at the little stove we just purchased to keep the chill out this winter, you’ll know where the Hospice House is going to be. The little wood burner is going to be in the one back corner of the room. Vick’s Nature Art and other items along with my books (once published) will be in there for sale with all proceeds going to the Columbia- Greene County Hospice Program.


The Hospice House goes right where the wood stove is.

This is a cute little wood burner!!

We kind of think the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm will sometime be considered a petting farm where children will be able to see animals and pet them and see them in their natural surroundings on the farm. We don’t know where this will actually go at this point or actually what all we might have here in the way of animals. Who knows. Here are some from today!

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