Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday June 13th… Gotta go to Kingston again today….

We have an appointment later today to be at Prestige Motors for an SRS warning light on the Toyota. The manual says “Go to your dealer Immediately….do not pass go…do not collect $200.00.….. in fact, expect to pay at least $200.00.

Suffering a Twilight Zone Drift Factor!!

Just got back from Kingston where we had the car done (for under $200.00), got some copies of Vicki’s latest watercolor to possibly display for sale in a gallery in Woodstock and Previous to that went to Hilltown Agway and picked up a dozen new chicks (Bantams) that came in yesterday and 4 bags of poultry Pellets and a bag of chick starter mash.

I mentioned a twilight zone drift factor because I was typing above when Ed Pooters, Jr. from Middlefield Lumber delivered the last of our ordered lumber for the barn and I never got back to finish the blog until now.


We are now done ramming around and I can put the feed pellets away and make sure the Bantams are ok………. and set the chick starter mash in the brooding house too, then I’m sitting down for awhile! I’ll post a few pictures and a copy of Vicki’s latest watercolor painting later.

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