Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wed. Eve, June 25th… Another good day for Vick and I!

Vick made her second appointment….well, her first real appointment on the table today. When we arrived, Dr. Paster said he was just enjoying the web site and daily Journal (blog) for the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm and thought it was very interesting. Anyone that needs a daily lift seems to fall in love with the site and daily blog, because it contains information, an insight to the world of animals and humor, just when you need it! We have had more and more hits as people recommend it to their friends, associates and neighbors. We enjoy doing the blog, because it is fulfilling a life long dream both Vicki and I have had our entire lives. Caring for animals and having fun. We thank God daily for the opportunities we were afforded to bring our dreams to fruition and brighten other people’s day too. What more could we ask for? Lately, we have been asking for Vicki to be able to return to normal and with the great care and concern of Dr. Lee McGunnigle and now the added efforts and skill of Dr. Michael Paster and his staff of friendly knowledgeable assistants, Vick is in the best of hands all the way around. We highly recommend the Paster Chiropractic Office to anyone with chronic back pain. Below are some pictures of the office, one of the secretaries, Jim, assistant and coordinator and finally, Dr. Paster.


His office. Very bright & cheery. Very Comfy!

Vicki on the table....hooked up and being stretched

She says it's very comfy!!

One of the secretaries

Jim, the assistant coordinator

This is Dr. Michael Paster, another true healer that finds euphoria in curing his patient's back pain!!!

I told you all that Rooster Cogburn was making an excellent recovery from the beating MR put on him early last week. Well, when we returned from Vicki’s Chiropractic appointment, I took these pictures of him, standing and walking. Erect!! He will be back to normal by the end of next week and we’re very happy for him. He was such a pathetic fellow when I found him, near death, laying on the floor of the hen house. We know MR was the nasty turd bird that attacked him because Stewie was in the duck house because he was always getting beat up. As of today, Stewie is a full time resident of the duck house, MR roosts outside the henhouse and Rooster Cogburn lives in a wire cage on the front porch and gets transferred to the yard pen exercise ring in the morning. Once he is completely well and able he will still be kept separated from MR. IN fact they can all stay separated….forever.


Cogburn standing fully erect.

He can actually walk erect and normal

After awhile, he has to sit down & rest

Jeff came this after noon while we were at the chiropractor and marked off the square for the builders. Tomorrow, I will cut the overhang off and trim the 8 x 10’s flush also. Then we are completely done and ready for Friday when Matt and Mark will start the loft (2nd story) and roofs.






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