Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tues. Eve, June 24th…What a day!! We’re ready on the Barn!

Today was a phenomenal day! We got Vick up to see Dr. Lee on the mountain and filled him in on her spinal decompression program and he was excited to see her enroll in it because he said he felt she could really benefit from the new procedure. We are going to keep Lee in the loop, because he was the one that stuck by Vick when nothing was working and even came to our house to treat her when she was down really bad. We got a bunch of pictures of Lee’s exercise room which is quite extensive, because Lee is a Doctor of Sports Medicine as well as a chiropractor.


Lee Has an Extensive amount of equipment because he is a sports Doctor. 

Lee is very professional and extremely caring....a true healer! 

Near the Sauna and mens/ladies restroom

The Pool. One of two!!

The Spa. One of three

Vicki made this stained glass sign for his office

This is Dr. Lee McGunnigle checking Vicki's alignment. He's grade A, Top notch!!

We are excited to say that we finally found Spot sitting on the eggs under the corner of the duck house. She has increased the egg count in that clutch to 8.……maybe 9 after today. She will disappear one day soon, as did Rover, but instead of going to the woods and not returning as she did, Spot will just stay under the duck house until the ducklings hatch out.

We got all of the lumber (2x4’s) needed from GNH today, but they shorted us three 8 footers which we will pick up tomorrow when we go down to get four 8’ landscape timbers to make the framework for the sign. I’d sure like to protect the sign with two pieces of Plexiglas. Maybe we will. I’ll have to price two pieces of Plexiglas @ 24” x 26” and see if it’s worth protecting a $179.00 sign that will last 2 years easily without anything protecting it.

Anyway, we got the lumber from GNH and then went to Lowe’s and got 29 sheets of plywood for the loft walls. We are ready for Matt and Mark on Friday!!

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