Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11th… What to do…What to do! Only time will tell today!

Today is the first in a long string of hot, miserable days when you could not do much more than sit in front of an air conditioner and hope to make it until dark when the temperature seemed to moderate a little. We definitely need to go to Lowe’s to pick up plywood for the barn, then we need to make a second trip for 2x4’s and T-111 before Matthew and Mark come on the 27th to do the loft and roofs on the barn.

I don’t know exactly how well Vicki is going to do today because she is having pain in that leg again when she walks, so we will take today step by step. We are in good shape with the barn anyway, so if we didn’t get any more done than pick up the material, Matt & Mark could finish it anyway. We’ll keep that in mind as the day progresses.

We are sure excited about Nature’s Friend’s of Hospice, Inc. which just came to fruition yesterday. We do however, need to wait for the health department, then the Dept of State for the approval of the Corporation before we can do business, but we already have an EIN # and an item lined up to generate some revenue for the Hospice program. Keep watching! we will unveil this item in the near future along with many others here on the farm. Tell all your friends to start watching the blog daily for Hospice updates.

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