Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, June 30th … Last day of the month….AGAIN!

Slow Down Summer!!!! Am I the only one that thinks the summer is streaking past us at 10 times the speed of winter months? At this rate, the day after tomorrow, it will be snowing again! WOW!

Well, we made it through this weekend in better shape than we thought. We made both graduation parties, met and re-met a lot of very nice people and made out ok at home with the barn project also. We were very pleased that everything went so well and easy.

We were a little late to our nephew’s party due to the barn building…..I had to help Matt and Mark get the steel roofing on the roof and guided them a little, because they never worked with steel roofing before, but I showed them a little bit on the first and second piece, and they took off running as usual. Once we had all the steel sheets on the roof, we took off for Kenny’s party. It was a nice affair with a lot of guests and I got to meet Robin’s mother. I knew most of the other people there, but did meet a few new faces. We stayed as long as we could, and knowing the restaurant’s closing time, we left in time to grab dinner for Matt & Mark since they doing all the work on our barn for us. Vicki called the order in and we just made it before closing time to pick it up.

Yesterday… we were a little late for our grandson, Andrew’s party because of the traffic as we entered the city. It started about four miles before the Whitestone Bridge near the Bronx. We weren’t that late and the party was very nice, being held at a restaurant called Eleanor Rigby’s in Mineola, on Long Island, in New York. I met Loraine’s mother and father, other family members, some of Bill and Loraine's friends, some of which Vicki always knew, and I got to meet Bill’s sister Randy… to speak. I did briefly say hello to her husband Kenny, and met Jason and Matt in passing. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to spend as much time talking with them as we would have liked to, but, maybe next time.

Upon returning home, we were concerned about the welfare of the animals because it was 11:38 and they were all left out for the day. They could all get into their shelter and to the food, etc., but the doors were left open and a predator could reek havoc upon any of them. We found everything ok when we arrived and then breathed a sigh of relief. All80 chickens were in along with the turkeys and bunnies. the ducks were sitting right by the door, but outside and when I got up this morning, the rat pack, was on the water already. We had missed them last night because they stayed out on the pond and we never saw them. Usually they are the first to go into the duck house……way before the older ducks.

Now we are back to normal…..Matt and Mark Maskal are back in Jersey…back to their regular jobs….and we will be finishing the barn in our own sweet time! (but before fall)

Thanks again Matt & Mark!! We could never thank you enough for all you’ve done for Vicki and I. You guys are the greatest!!

Below is a picture of the barn as they left it for me. A simply amazing job for three days!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sun Morn., June 29th… The guys made good progress Yesterday!!

Matt and Mark did a magnificent job yesterday despite the grueling heat that plagued them. The sun was in and out for awhile, then it stayed out with a vengeance and cooked everything in sight. I climbed unto the lower roof area and handed the steel roofing up to them so they could complete the top roof and about died from the heat. I know they were completely drained til we gave them their dinner when we returned from Richie’s where we attended Kenny’s graduation party. We took pictures there and of the barn before and after.

This is how the barn looked when we left for Kenny's graduation party.


Meet Robin, Kenny's Mom

(L to R) Anita & Joe, Vicki's mom & dad, Alfredo & Audry, family friends and Alfredo's daughter.

Kenny, our nephew who graduated.

The cake. (just in case you didn't know)

Kenny with people from the party.

Meet Richie, Kenny's dad

This is Katie, Kenny's sister, being chased by Kathleen, her best friend.


This is what the barn looked like when we returned.


Looking more and more like the proposed picture on the web site.

Today, we must leave for the city by noon because we have another graduation party for our grandson, which we will attend in Long Island somewhere this evening. We will meet Loraine, Bill and Andrew at their house in East Meadow, where we will leave Casey Mae until after the dinner party at a local restaurant, then grab her afterward and head for home. I always like the trip down the Taconic Parkway in the daylight, but we will return by the thruway after dark. (Too many Taconic deer)

The guys will finish up on the barn around 2:00 and head for home in New Jersey, to take care of their things needing done there so they are rested and ready to return to their regular jobs tomorrow morning. We treasure what they have done for us and can never pay them enough. We will really miss them when they return to Slovakia, as Sally has already done, but it doesn’t pay for them to live & work here any longer because we have left America deteriorate to the point where it is better for them to live & work in their own country. Looks like visitors will leave America, which no longer offers them a chance at the American dream because our economy has deterorated so badly and now, Europe has more to offer them than we do.  It's sad what has happened to our great country.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, June 27th…The builders are here! and are they moving!!

It was 5:58 this morning that Vick said it’s time to get up… Matt and Mark will be here soon. I got up and got coffee perking and sure enough….about 6:45, they showed up…..ready to rip into it. By noon, the loft was framed out and by this evening, the roof rafters were in place and the facia boards were on the back side. They will be ready to do the plywood siding and metal roof in the AM tomorrow.

 At 8:10 AM

 At 12:00 Noon

 At 7:30 PM

Vicki had her third session with Dr. Paster and she feels she is definitely seeing (and feeling) a difference in her back. I can tell a difference in her just by watching her. IT’S WORKING!! I’m telling you…..who ever you are……where ever you are…. if you are having chronic back pain. you need to see Dr. Mike Paster and see if you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy. It’s AMAZING!!! How will she feel after the 24 or 25 session series?

A walking, breathing, fishing, testimonial to Spinal Decompression Therapy. She can't go far or very long, but a week ago, she couldn't do this or even try. 

Also showing you pictures of the turkeys, ducks and Rooster Cogburn several times today.

Also clicked a few of the house and new rear deck.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thurs. Eve, June 26th… Ready for Matt & Mark to arrive!

Well, the rain let up this afternoon and we got the plywood cut off where the wall will go, we barrowed a compressor and another straight 20 foot ladder from our good friend and neighbor, Charlie, from down the road a little ways. Now we are ready for Matt & Mark to arrive in the morning. I would guess they will be here from Woodbridge, New Jersey at around 7:00 to 7:30AM, since they will probably leave at 4:30 to 5:00Am. I will be up at 6:00 Am and have coffee ready when they arrive. I will then brief them as to what Vick and I accomplished and what we need them to do for us, where the lumber is located in the piles and where all the tools are. They will bring their nail guns, hoses and such and we will supply the rest.

I mowed around the pond this afternoon as Vicki was making dinner, so both sides of the pond are done and I started around the barn and into the side yard toward the chicken house. Thank God there was a bunch of 2’ x 4’ pieces of plywood overhanging, because I have to make rabbit hutches next week and two large rabbit pens. The bunnies are getting old enough that there will be baby bunnies one of these days and we have to be ready. Once a doe catches, she will start to pull hair to insulate a nest which she will want the buck to stay away from, so we need to have the hutches done so she can build a nest in the box end, which she will make nice and cozy, then she will pull hair to line the nest and get ready to deliver her litter. She will then stay with the little ones and nurse in the box and come out in the run section to eat, drink and do her business, before returning to the nest again. We’ll make the hutches out of wood and wire. We have the rings, wire and ring tool, so we can build hutches pretty quick. Keep watching next week. When done, we will get the bunnies out of the brooding house where it will be much easier to take good care of them all.

Vicki and Rooster Cogburn both improve daily. They root for each other everytime Vicki passes him in the course of the day. She talks to him and he talks to her. It is quite touching to watch them. He really interacts with her and waits for her to take him in every night.



Thurs. June 26th… Sally leaves for Slovakia and it’s raining!!

Farewell on your trip and Gods speed to you and the boys, Sally! Have a safe, enjoyable trip!

I need to catch a break today and have nice clear weather long enough to run the skill saw down both edges of the barn floor so I can cut that overhanging plywood off flush with the sides. I also need to us the chain saw to cut the 8 x 10” beams under the plywood where they stick out over the main beam. It shouldn’t take more than an hour to do it all, provided I can get one of the chain saws running.

It would be nice if the afternoon was clear so I could get some or all of the mowing done. It’s now getting ahead of us. I could also move more crusher stone dust into the barn now that the steps are in place and everything else is almost done. It will have to be in there before we put the board & batten siding on, or it will be a much bigger job to do.

This will be a really busy week-end, because there are multiple doings going on here and there all around us. Matt and Mark will be here Friday & Saturday…..possibly Sunday if needed, to work on the barn loft and roofs. We are going to our Nephew, Kenny Drao’s graduation and a party afterward, on Saturday and then on Sunday, we are going to Long Island to our grandson, Andrew Alderman’s graduation party in the afternoon. Through all of this, I must make sure Vicki isn’t totally stressed and that she doesn’t over do it with sitting too long and stretching and positively no carrying or picking anything up. The Dr.‘s orders are do not sit too long. Sitting will kill your conditions healing. She can recline the car seat to keep her back aligned properly, but sitting on a chair for a long time will be a problem. She’ll be fine…I’ll make sure.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wed. Eve, June 25th… Another good day for Vick and I!

Vick made her second appointment….well, her first real appointment on the table today. When we arrived, Dr. Paster said he was just enjoying the web site and daily Journal (blog) for the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm and thought it was very interesting. Anyone that needs a daily lift seems to fall in love with the site and daily blog, because it contains information, an insight to the world of animals and humor, just when you need it! We have had more and more hits as people recommend it to their friends, associates and neighbors. We enjoy doing the blog, because it is fulfilling a life long dream both Vicki and I have had our entire lives. Caring for animals and having fun. We thank God daily for the opportunities we were afforded to bring our dreams to fruition and brighten other people’s day too. What more could we ask for? Lately, we have been asking for Vicki to be able to return to normal and with the great care and concern of Dr. Lee McGunnigle and now the added efforts and skill of Dr. Michael Paster and his staff of friendly knowledgeable assistants, Vick is in the best of hands all the way around. We highly recommend the Paster Chiropractic Office to anyone with chronic back pain. Below are some pictures of the office, one of the secretaries, Jim, assistant and coordinator and finally, Dr. Paster.


His office. Very bright & cheery. Very Comfy!

Vicki on the table....hooked up and being stretched

She says it's very comfy!!

One of the secretaries

Jim, the assistant coordinator

This is Dr. Michael Paster, another true healer that finds euphoria in curing his patient's back pain!!!

I told you all that Rooster Cogburn was making an excellent recovery from the beating MR put on him early last week. Well, when we returned from Vicki’s Chiropractic appointment, I took these pictures of him, standing and walking. Erect!! He will be back to normal by the end of next week and we’re very happy for him. He was such a pathetic fellow when I found him, near death, laying on the floor of the hen house. We know MR was the nasty turd bird that attacked him because Stewie was in the duck house because he was always getting beat up. As of today, Stewie is a full time resident of the duck house, MR roosts outside the henhouse and Rooster Cogburn lives in a wire cage on the front porch and gets transferred to the yard pen exercise ring in the morning. Once he is completely well and able he will still be kept separated from MR. IN fact they can all stay separated….forever.


Cogburn standing fully erect.

He can actually walk erect and normal

After awhile, he has to sit down & rest

Jeff came this after noon while we were at the chiropractor and marked off the square for the builders. Tomorrow, I will cut the overhang off and trim the 8 x 10’s flush also. Then we are completely done and ready for Friday when Matt and Mark will start the loft (2nd story) and roofs.