Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, June 20th… Nice, cool, cloudy morning… I love it!

These are the mornings you love to wake up to…. actually, starting at my age, you’re just happy to wake up each morning and if you feel good… that’s a plus! Anyway, looks like we are going to have a partly sunny and overcast day which will be great for finalizing the plywood flooring on the barn. My back is a little tender this morning from the long ride to New Jersey and back yesterday, but it will loosen up after I move around a little. I’ll do the flooring and possibly this afternoon when I’m done, clean out the pool with the vacuum and swim a little! Who knows. Vicki is supposed to get in and walk around the pool and soak up the cool water on her back, so we’ll get that completed this afternoon for sure.

More later with pictures. (I hope)….

We now have some of the “Hearts for Hospice” bagged, tagged and ready to go if any of you are interested in donating to Hospice. You may do as some others have done and that is to buy them for $2.00 each and resell them at $5.00 when turning the $5.00 back to us, claim a total $7.00 donation, which is awesome!!!


If interested, Just email Vick @

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