Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sun Morn., June 29th… The guys made good progress Yesterday!!

Matt and Mark did a magnificent job yesterday despite the grueling heat that plagued them. The sun was in and out for awhile, then it stayed out with a vengeance and cooked everything in sight. I climbed unto the lower roof area and handed the steel roofing up to them so they could complete the top roof and about died from the heat. I know they were completely drained til we gave them their dinner when we returned from Richie’s where we attended Kenny’s graduation party. We took pictures there and of the barn before and after.

This is how the barn looked when we left for Kenny's graduation party.


Meet Robin, Kenny's Mom

(L to R) Anita & Joe, Vicki's mom & dad, Alfredo & Audry, family friends and Alfredo's daughter.

Kenny, our nephew who graduated.

The cake. (just in case you didn't know)

Kenny with people from the party.

Meet Richie, Kenny's dad

This is Katie, Kenny's sister, being chased by Kathleen, her best friend.


This is what the barn looked like when we returned.


Looking more and more like the proposed picture on the web site.

Today, we must leave for the city by noon because we have another graduation party for our grandson, which we will attend in Long Island somewhere this evening. We will meet Loraine, Bill and Andrew at their house in East Meadow, where we will leave Casey Mae until after the dinner party at a local restaurant, then grab her afterward and head for home. I always like the trip down the Taconic Parkway in the daylight, but we will return by the thruway after dark. (Too many Taconic deer)

The guys will finish up on the barn around 2:00 and head for home in New Jersey, to take care of their things needing done there so they are rested and ready to return to their regular jobs tomorrow morning. We treasure what they have done for us and can never pay them enough. We will really miss them when they return to Slovakia, as Sally has already done, but it doesn’t pay for them to live & work here any longer because we have left America deteriorate to the point where it is better for them to live & work in their own country. Looks like visitors will leave America, which no longer offers them a chance at the American dream because our economy has deterorated so badly and now, Europe has more to offer them than we do.  It's sad what has happened to our great country.

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