Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16th 10:38.. Finally done for the day!!

Done for now.. Tired as can be.. Sweet Vicki is ready to go to bed… if she can make it there. Her pretty butt is dragging. She was the rake girl for the dirt around the holes, all 24 of them … all 4 foot deep … all checked and double checked … some wrong due to rock deflection and those posts had to be pulled and reset. Damned, I’m tired too.

Danny is coming tomorrow to help set the other 16 posts where we have already dug the holes and then I need to run the skid steer around the pasture hitting every stake for a fence post… All 345 running feet of fence… every eight feet. That’s a total of 43 more post holes I’ll have to poke yet.

Danny’s car is still out of commission, so we will pick him up around 8:45 and we will work from 9 to 5 and hopefully we'll be completed when it’s time to take Danny home at 5:00.

Below are some half assed pictures I took in the dark, but at least you will have an idea of the progress today.

Here is the side of the barn toward the house.

As you can see, there are 16 holes between the row of 4 poss on the left and the 4 posts on the right side.

Here you can better see the rows of holes between left and right. This view is from the skid steer loader seat.

The right side posts and little stakes are the fence posts around the pasture.

We are retiring for the evening. See you in the morning or at the first break with some action pictures since we will be having help and Sweet Vicki can shoot some pix's.

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