Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30th… Cold... but the suns up and the sky’s blue!

This is gonna be a nice day and we’re gonna make the best of it by jumping into the barn. We will start placing the 2x6’s at the 8’ mark and level the top square so we can get ready to set the 6x10’s and call the Jersey Boys.

We may get a call from Hilltown Agway or Altamont about chicks… and if we do, we’ll handle that too.

We were thinking last night of where we were last year this time and it was clear that we were bulldozing the pond area… taking all those years of silt that fed into the old pond, choking it out and removed it to breath new life into that section that was lost and only good for mosquito production. It now is a thriving section of the stream system, enjoyed by fish, frogs, snakes, crawfish, turtles, beaver, muskrats ducks and geese. It just might be the greatest thing we’ve accomplished for the property yet.

We keep seeing the counter numbers increase daily, but wonder if there are any new lookers on the blog site or our regular web site. Please leave us an email so we know who is looking and tell us what you think. Tell us if there is something you enjoy, like more pictures or more text, humor or just the information about what we are doing and enjoying here on the Cluckin’ “A”.

Woooooh.....just got a call from Agway...our three turkeys are now in and ready to be picked up. Gotta go!

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