Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21st….. The Dr. just left here….Vicki still down!


Dr. Lee just left the house after examining Vick and making sure she was still aligned. He is ordering a CAT scan, possibly for tomorrow if he can get her in. He is concerned because of the roving manner in which the pain is moving. He checked her muscular function, the hamstring, the SI joint and the other things we first suspected, but ruled all those things out. The Sciatica appears to be coming from something and now he is suspecting the nerve bundle of the horses tail and possibly a bulging disc in this area which would account for the migrating pain she is experiencing. If it were straight Sciatica, she should be able to find a position to lay in that affords relief from the pain, but there is no such position for her. And the way the pain moves, could only be caused by a bulged disc rolling across the different nerve endings of the horses tail bundle. Now that is the best I can explain where we are at this moment and I will update when I hear more that I can relate. (if I even related this much correctly. My memory isn’t worth a poop!)

As soon as we are done with the Dr. stuff, I will get Vick out by the barn on a comfortable chair and I’ll work on the barn. At least we’ll get a little closer and she can get some sun and fresh air. She can even watch the geese with their little ones. They come really close when you’re out there with them.

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