Monday, March 3, 2008

Duckie news flash: Rover recovers

I am filling in for my husband, the head blog writer of the cluckin" A.  I have some good news, Rover one of my favorite ducks has recovered from her leg injury.  The beginning of February Rover hurt her leg.  She likes to sit on top of the food pail so that the horny male ducks give her a little peace.  I think she got her little leg stuck in the handle and sprained it.  She was unable to put any weight on that leg and she lost her powerful honk.  When ever I went to feed the crew she would give me that weak (help me mommy) sad honk.  I called our vet to see if he could make a house call but he temporarily stopped house calls but he would see Rover at his house.  I decided to check into my trusty duck book and try their suggestion of giving her vitamin water and try to keep her quiet.  That wasn't easy since Grover (her main man ) was a horny little duck.  Today Rover was back on her pail.  A happy day here at the cluckin' A.  On the way back from Catskill we decided to hunt down a beautiful sunset.  What a beautiful place to live,  we never take a day of it for granted,  life is good.

sun peeping through trees

strange reflection from the sun

beautiful sky

Heaven on earth #1

Heaven on earth #2

Heaven on earth #3

heaven on earth #4

Heaven on earth #5

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